Galaxy on fire 2 novanium
Galaxy on fire 2 novanium

  1. Galaxy on fire 2 novanium full#
  2. Galaxy on fire 2 novanium Pc#
  3. Galaxy on fire 2 novanium mac#

Titanium is required in the following blueprints: Titanium Asteroids can be found in the following systems:

galaxy on fire 2 novanium

Once you finish the storyline, it would be really nice to be able to dominate systems with the armada that you wish you could build from captured or purchased ships and take over the galaxy, once system at a time." Ores can be obtained through mining asteroids. Now, I am left with nothing but a handful of repeating missions and a very limited number of solar systems to visit. I have put a lot of time into playing GOF2 and have finished the expansion packs.

Galaxy on fire 2 novanium full#

I guess I have a dream of having a game that has all the features of the Escape Velocity series of games, but has the 3D flying and wonderful graphics like GOF2 Full HD has. Since the game already allows for wingmen, to whom you can issue orders, it makes little sense. One thing that baffles the mind is why they wouldn't give us the ability to form a small fleet of ships under our control, through either capturing other ships or purchasing additional ships. I would have expected a pirate flying a Veteran to have a turret on his ship and the same array of weapons and missiles that the user could pick up.

galaxy on fire 2 novanium

It is annoying that the opponents' ships don't have the same upgrades that are available to you.

galaxy on fire 2 novanium

Unfortunately, the storyline is kind of linear, though you can leave it and come back to it, as you see fit. The storyline is silly in a fun/entertaining sort of way.

Galaxy on fire 2 novanium mac#

The Mac version allows me to use my old USB Joystick, which makes combat a lot of fun. The graphics are beautiful on my 27" iMac. The graphics are beautiful on my 27" This game has so much potential to be a legendary game if only it would expand beyond what it is now. This game has so much potential to be a legendary game if only it would expand beyond what it is now.

Galaxy on fire 2 novanium Pc#

If they patched in a proper PC porting job, and made the NPCs less generic (neither of which frankly seems like that much extra effort) it'd go a long way to making it a well rounded space sim that does what it does simply & effectively. I would say it's worth picking up in a sale, as I did, as it's just not worth the full asking price due to the flaws. I managed to drop 15-20 hours into it updating my ship, finding new starcharts, building from blueprints, and of course completing the simple yet amusing storyline.

galaxy on fire 2 novanium

It's the quintessential tablet game nothing complicated, yet fun enough. Yet, if you can fly with the mouse and get used to its quirks, it's refreshingly fun & simple to play. The game isn't without flaws - each faction's NPC ships are identical and practically never change which means combat gets repetitive fast you the player may have access to shields, missiles, and various other special modules, but you'll never see them used on you turrets are absymally implemented the PC options are terrible and controls awfully limited porting clearly was a last minute effort as basic input handling doesn't even handle more than one button at once and targeting just doesn't work properly perhaps worst of all, the developers opted to not bother porting the more interesting add-ons that would have breathed more life into the game. However it has a pleasant casual appeal of simple flight and easy combat, which means that if you're turned off by complicated space sims this may be for you. Generic missions, ship modules, an increasingly expensive choice of ship, a half-baked storyline, it does nothing enormously original. If you imagined a cut down X3 or a reborn Privateer, you'd be fairly close. If you imagined a cut down X3 or a GoF 2 is a likeable casual space sim, let down by some strange design choices and a terrible PC port. GoF 2 is a likeable casual space sim, let down by some strange design choices and a terrible PC port.

Galaxy on fire 2 novanium